Tuesday, September 29, 2009
A Busy Week-End With A Few Finds!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
You Can't Beat FREE!

Quite a few months ago we were at an estate sale.
It was the last day and we had gotten a call from the party running the sale that we had won the bid on an item.
While we were picking up our piece of furniture, we were ask if we'd like to have this old, beaten, abused, table.
I looked at my #1, as he would have to be the one to fix it, and he said, "Sure!"
Unfortunately, I don't have the before picture, but the top was in pretty bad shape.
This week-end he fixed it up.
He got his heavy duty sand paper out and went to work.
I loved how it turned out!
It's a beautiful oak mission desk.
There were large spots on the table from the previous owner which ran too deep to get out.
But, you know what, I like them as it shows it's been well used.
Of course a new larger table means more decorating!!!
And if you're like me you can't get enough of that!
Let's just say, it wasn't hard to fill it up.
On a side note, I received a package in the mail today!
It was my new issue of Jeanne d' Arc Living Magazine.
I've only flipped through the pages but it looks wonderful.
I can't wait to sit down this evening and really look through it.
Hope you're having a beautiful Fall day!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
I Can't Help Myself I Fall In Love Again...

Last night, I sat in the living room with my laptop checking out all the great blogs out there.
From in the kitchen I could hear my #1 singing all the wonderful old songs of the 70's and 80's, he was creating a playlist on the computer.
I was overcome with pure joy and love for my favorite singer as I was listening to him singing his heart out.
In a few days my other favorite singer,my son, will be auditioning for another play.
The song he has been working on is L.O.V.E, a Frank Sinatra song.
He knows it pretty well so I'm pretty confident that he'll remember the words.
I'm singing every word with him (in my head) to help him along.
Last night, my #1 was able to put the crib together.
We were so glad all the pieces of hardware were there.
You got to love that!
* * *
This should be a great display piece for a show!
Thank you for visiting!
It's always good to hear from you.
Monday, September 21, 2009
A Little More Junking!

Friday morning there was an estate sale that started at 8:00am.
This worked out pretty well for me as it was close by and I didn't have to be to work until 9:00am.
When I arrived, at 8:15am, there was a line!
I didn't think there would still be a line.
Fortunately, I didn't wait too long to get in and I was able to pay the gentleman out back so I could dash off to school.
Here is one of the things I purchased.
I don't know if you remember but I have an ever growing collection of old Wedding and Baptism Certificates.
The reason I buy them is that I enjoy the beautiful roses pictured.
And this one, had them!
I think that makes five.
I also bought this beautiful paper item.
It's about 12" tall.
I couldn't resist this wonderful old child's crib on the half price day.
My #1 wanted me to resist it but when I looked inside the box (the crib was not assembled)I saw these fabulous old wheels.
I looked at him and said, "I've got to get it!"
Fortunately he's a good sport!
When he gets it assembled, I'll show you a picture of it.
I've got plans for that sweet thing!
Lastly, here is a little vintage shoe.
Yes, just one but for .50 cents, would you leave it behind?
If you'd like to see other fabulous junk, be sure to stop over at Cottage Charm and Family Inspirations.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Pretty Vintage Slips!

Not just in white but also pink and turquoise!
These were to pretty to pass up and they are much to pretty to hide under a dress.
So, I decided to kick it up a notch by taking up a corner of my skirt and securing it with a pretty broach.
I just love wearing these pretty slips and it sure does dress up an outfit!
Maybe next time a pretty millinery flower would look nice!
So, be on the look-out for a pretty vintage slip and enjoy!
Monday, September 14, 2009
A Fun Filled Day in Eugene!

We got up at 5:30am and started our day.
We didn't stop running till 11:30 that night!
We started off by heading to Salem where we quickly ate breakfast then on to our destination, Coburg!
Here are a few pictures of that day.
Coburg was packed with people.
And the vendors spaces were pretty fabulous!
I believe this is Isabel's area.
Lisa is just around the corner from her.
Here is a picture of Joe and Sue.
They were selling like crazy.
Their space was getting smaller as the day went by.
I noticed when I got home that I didn't take too many pictures of individual booths.
I guess I was having to much fun shopping.
I did buy a couple of things.
Here is my #1 hauling one of those items.
He's such a good sport!
After Coburg we headed over to my sister-in-laws new store,Colby Cottage.
They will be opening their doors on Tuesday so we wanted to see what they've been working on as well as help out a little.
If you would like to take a sneak peek at some of the things they will be offering.
Then be sure to head over to their store blog for pictures.
And if you happen to be in Eugene, be sure to stop by their shop!
P.S. ~ Thank you for the emails on the tote bag.
I did make it and if I get a little more ambitious I will make more to sell.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Coburg or Bust!

Well, I'm packing my bag and heading to the Coburg Antique Fair.
Not to sell, but to look around and possibly buy.
I have to say I'm not a "die hard" though.
I will not be up at 4:00am with my flashlight looking for those great deals.
Most likely I'll still be in bed.
But, we're excited and ready for a good time!
After that we'll head over to my sister-in-laws new shop, Colby Cottage.
We are anxious to see all the wonderful things they've been doing.
Their store is in Eugene and it will be opening up this coming Tuesday.
If you're in the area, be sure to stop by.
You will be in for a big treat!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
A Few More Finds!

Today, I received a phone call from a friend.
She was having a garage sale and wondered if I wanted to come and look before it opened.
She had set some old books aside from the 1800's, which I just loved!
She seems to know what I like.
I also found a wonderful old mirror and a few other goodies.
Since I was taking pictures I thought I'd show you a few other things I like to pick up when I'm out and about.
I like to pick up old letters, here are a bunch I aquired this past week-end.
This is another item I bought a couple of weeks ago.
It needs to be cleaned up but I liked the color.
I'm not usually a fan of blue, but this works for me.
Here is a big momma raccoon that showed up while I was at the garage sale today.
Apparently, she and her family show up on a regular basis, ready to eat a little dog food!
My friends from Diane and Donna are having a fun giveaway so be sure to stop by and say hi!
Oh yes, if you mention my name I will get another chance to win.
And you know, everyone likes another chance!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Old and New Linens

When out thrifting or estate shopping I'm always on the lookout for white or cream colored bedspreads, curtains or tablecloths.
Many times I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with them.
But I'm pretty confident I'll be able to use it somewhere ... sometime... someplace!
Besides that they always look so pretty folded and stacked.
This past week I found a pretty bedskirt.
It wasn't old but I just loved the pretty lace running along the bottom of the skirt.
Now, to tell you what my cats love.
They love my old chair.
They have loved it for awhile.
In fact you can see their love all over it.
So, I decided to use the bedskirt I bought and slipcover it.
I really like how it looks!
Now I can hide all the scratch marks and enjoy the look of my new old chair.