Thursday, September 9, 2010

Monticello Fall Premier Show

The Fall show will open at Monticello tomorrow morning at 10:00am.

I hope you will be able to come!

I'm finished setting up and I wanted to show you what I've been up to.

For starters I had a big project I needed my #1 to do for me.

I wanted him to build me a house out of old doors.

Since my space for the show was in the middle of the room there were no walls.

Well, he made me one and I couldn't be more pleased with it.

If you wondered what I did with the doors I picked up a couple of weeks ago, well this is it!

You really can't see the wonderful old doors and windows under the ruffled roof but they're there.

Here are some pictures around the little house.

Once you go inside this house here are a few things you'll find.

Thank you so much for stopping by and taking a little tour of my space.

Hope you have a great week-end!


Anonymous said...

The little house is just adorable.
Finally! A house smaller than mine :)
Maybe I'll see you tomorrow after school

Mindy said...

I am loving the little door house! And the black top hat, tops it all! Happy Sales. Everything looks great! ~ Mindy

Wanda @ Just Vintage said...

The booth looks wonderful! I do so wish I could see it all in person. The little house is perfect, too. Great idea.

Kindred Roses said...

You are amazing and really know how to think outside the box. It is beautiful.
Hugs Julie

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness... your booth is SO gorgeous girl!! I'm so jealous of all of the people who are going to get to shop at Monticello this weekend! Your displays are beautiful, Debbie... I'm drooling over so many things!!
Have a great time this weekend!
Hugs ~ Jo :)

P.S. Thanks for your sweet comment... yes, the top is galvanized and the banana nut bread yummy. ;o)

Andrea said...

SO pretty!I so wish I could go!

Angela said...

It's awesome!! What a wonderful display!

Anonymous said...

Lookie at all the goodies & the display is beautiful!!
Have a Wonderful Day!

Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

Oh my gosh Debbie ~
What an amazing display !!
I want to go so bad !


Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

Oh my gosh Debbie ~
What an amazing display !!
I want to go so bad !


Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Amazing display...full of wonderful treasures! I will be back again and again so I don't miss anything!!

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Amazing display...full of wonderful treasures! I will be back again and again so I don't miss anything!!

laurie -magpie ethel said...

Your little house of doors looked great...made a special note to look for it when I was at Monticello this a.m. What a good crowd they had!

Lylah Ledner said...

Pami Green referred me to your shabby cottage....I LOVE It and want (real bad) that cute white bench. I'm just trying to figure out how I'd get in to AZ :-)

I'm intending to do a link back on your's incredibly lovely!


Kelsie from Our Country Home and Studio Photography said...

What a charming booth...I would love to have a little house like that in my backyard for tea parties with the girls.

Hope you had a wonderful weekend.

Debbie Petras said...

I'm glad I stopped by to visit your very pretty blog. I read about it on Lylah's blog.

laura said...

Oh, I wish I was there. Your booth is filled with the cutest stuff.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! the 'house' is so adorable! I love it. and all of the beauty in and around it. I want that die for! ;)

My Shabby Passion said...

Wow! That house is quite the project! And filled with such wonderful goodies to boot! I will have to get over there before it comes tumbling down.

Jessica (Modern Moments Designs) said...

Hey Debbie! I was lucky enough to go to Montecello on Friday and Saturday. I bought one of your BEAUTIFUL pillows and I have a question. Can you email me?


Jessica (Modern Moments Designs) said...

Hey Debbie! I was lucky enough to go to Monticello this weekend on both Friday and Saturday! I bought a ton of items from your booth, but one of my favorites is the pillow. I have a few questions for you. Can you email me at please!


I wanted to buy everything!!!