We've been setting up our new space at the shop.
It's always wonderful when everything falls together and you can see the final result of all your work.
I've kept my #1 very busy too!
Unfortunately I didn't take a picture of the large wall he built for the backside of our booth so you'll just have to believe me that he did a great job!
I love the final results.
But first off I'll show you a before picture.
The gentleman before me hadn't quite gotten out all his things yet.
I love the results!
Here are a few more pictures of a few close-ups.
I did a little bit of sewing.
And lastly, my #1 putting up chains to hang the chandeliers
What a guy!
Kathleen will be occupying my other space.
She will make a great addition to the shop!
So be sure to stop by and see all the wonderful things Monticello has to offer.
You'll enjoy it!
A big thanks to Kathleen for hosting another White Wednesday.