You know how it goes....
I was going to check out one little thing on the computer...well that one little thing became a bigger thing and now I'm posting for White Wednesday.
Today, I'm in the midst of a mess!
I'm pulling out everything and pricing it for the Monticello Garden Show, which opens April 8th.
I'm very easily side tracked as pricing is not one of my favorite things to do.
After work today I decided to stop by the store and see what kind of flowers were arriving for Spring.
I'm pretty confident Spring is on it's way it's just a matter of time before the weather shows it.
The first thing I spotted when I walked through the door was white Hydrangeas!
A must have!
I can't wait for them to come up in my own garden.
While out treasure hunting this week-end I came across this old torn album.
Even though it's shabby and worn it still it quite beautiful and is full of sweet old photos.
Well, I'm off to do some more pricing!
Thank you for stopping by!
Be sure to check out all the other wonderful blogs that are participating in White Wednesday.