Today, for White Wednesday, I thought I'd show you a table I picked up this week-end.
It looked nothing like what I'm about to show you.
It was stained, no paint.
The veneer on top was coming up in the middle, that couldn't be saved.
She had quite a few things against her but so many things right also!
I couldn't wait to get started.
First I sprayed her with primer, as I was doing that I said to myself, "You should be taking a picture!"....but I didn't!
So what you're going to see is the after!
Isn't she pretty!
After I got her primed and painted my #1 worked on the top portion of the table.
He tore the veneer off, sanded her down and put linseed oil on the top.
I love all the detailing on her!
She will reside in my living room...she's a keeper!
I'm joining up with Kathleen of Faded Charm for White Wednesday.
Thank you for stopping by!
Woops! I forgot to tell you the best part!...$24.00!