Have you finished your Christmas decorating?
I finally got mine done and boy does it feel good.
No, not the Chrysanthemums.
But the small reproduction olive basket (the Mums came with it).
Do you want to know where I got it?
Walmart of all places, who would have thought!
Now if only the Chrysanthemums were in white!
That would have nailed it on the head.
Unfortunately, yellow was all they had.
But if you like yellow, then this should make you happy.
Me, I might have to go out and buy some white Mums.
Hope you're having a wonderful day!
Many things have sold but there are many things coming in also.
I ask my husband to snap a few pictures today while at the shop.
Here is a picture of the top portion of our area.
If you'd like to see more pictures of our area, check out our Facebook page.
I did a lot of sewing with vintage fabrics.
Pillows and...
If you want to see a bigger picture just double click on the pictures.
I hope you can make it to the show!
Summer has been going by so quickly.
It's hard to believe that school is just around the corner.
Another thing that is just around the corner is the Monticello Fall Show.
I've been so busy getting ready for it.
For more information about the show be sure to click HERE.
We sure would be glad to see you!
While out shopping last week I came upon these old, beautiful, wonderfully chippy old radiators.
What do you do with an old radiator?
There has got to be a special project.
Fortunately, I don't know of one because I'm quite confident these are pretty darn heavy and there is no way my #1 would haul them.
But they sure are pretty to look at.
I'll warn you this is not for the weak at heart.
My dad has been in and out of the hospital this last month due to his heart and water on the lungs.
He is home now and on the mend.
My husband didn't want to be out done so this Saturday while he was working outside on a project, all of a sudden I hear, "We've got a problem here!!!".
I ran out to see him holding his hand, blood all over.
I rushed him into Emergency.
He had been cutting a piece of hard wood on the table saw and the wood kicked back and hit his hand taking off the tip of his little finger.
Oh...the pain he was in!
So Monday he was back in the hospital having surgery on his little finger.
They ended up taking off the tip of his finger from the cave of the nail and up.
So his finger is a tad bit shorter, poor guy.
But, we feel very fortunate that is was not any worse.
This means he is off work for a little while, which I don't mind.
I like having him around.
In fact Friday we celebrate 28 years together!
* * *
Thanks for stopping by and letting me tell you a little bit about what's going on in my world.
When I picked out the flowers I tried to stick with Perennials.
One of the flowers, whick I planted a few years back, is my Snowball Tree.
It's a plant my parents gave me and I love it!
Another item I love is this old metal chair.
I picked up a couple of them a few years back.
One was sellable, in good condition, but the other one, this one, had a few issues.
It was perfect for my flower garden.
I hope you're enjoying Spring!
The show opens at 8:00am this morning.
I won't do a lot of talking but I will show you a lot of pictures.
For some reason I am not given the option to enlarge my pictures so all my pictures are small...I'm totally frustraited with that! So click on the first picture and you will be wisked away to larger pictures.
Did you grab your coffee because here we go....
This is just a little sampling of what's in store for you at Monticello
Everyone has done such a nice job.
So, if you're in the area be sure to stop by.
(Be sure to click on the pictures to make them bigger...they look so much better.)
Do you enjoy the beach?
It's been a long time since we have taken the time to go to the beach.
My sister and her family recently moved to Bandon so we took a few days to enjoy family and relax for a little bit.
The weather was beautiful.
It was warm with no wind.
Is that great weather or what?
I also had a good time using my camera.
Now we are home and working like crazy to finish up projects for the show at Monticello.
Remember the show opens Friday, the 12th at 8:00am.
Hope to see you there!