I was able to hit an estate sale after work today.
BOY, did it feel good!
It's only been a couple of weeks but it feels like forever!
I love walking through the door of an older home...looking into boxes...scoping out the kitchen...running my fingers through the linens....checking out the garage and basement!
But along with estate shopping comes filling up that gas tank!
I paid $3.15 a gallon, that hurts!
I know I'm not the only one out there that is cringing when they look at their gas receipt.
Where do you live?
What are you paying for gas?
I know that $3.15 probably sounds pretty cheap to many of you.
On a happier note.
The weather has been beautiful here!
The sun has been shining and it makes me so ready for Spring!
I cleaned out my front flower bed and those little plants are starting to peek out from the soil.
I love Spring!