For this White Wednesday post I thought I would share some pictures from my niece's bridal shower.One of the pretty things that filled my house were these beautiful Snowballs from my parent's yard.
Their tree is loaded with flowers and they really are quite beautiful.
This picture below is one of my favorites.
After the shower we had some fun with a little dress up time.
My little 2 year old great niece tried on a few vintage wedding items.
As you can see she loved what she saw in the mirror...but then again we all did, she's so darn cute!

It's just so fun being a girl!

A little more girl time at the shower!

Another thing I did to decorate was big tissue flowers.
They are quite easy to make so I did quite a few of them.
They do make a statement bringing in a lot of color.

If you're ever looking for tissue paper for this project, I have found that Walmart is the most inexpensive place to buy it.
I was originally paying $2.49 for it.
Walmart - $1.00 a package BIG DIFFERENCE!
Just a little piece of information in case you ever want to make these.
Another item I was looking for was "pink lemonade", not just any lemonade but Lorina lemonade.
I finally found it at World Market.

It's $4.99 a bottle for 25.4 ounces.
I'm saving the bottles and reusing them.
When I was at New Seasons looking for Lorina lemonade I spotted the glass bottles, selling for $7.99 a piece, bottle only!
So if you splurge and buy Lorina, think of it this way, you're getting a fun bottle, plus a fabulous drink for $4.99!!!
It makes it a little easier to buy.
Re-reading this post I think I'm sounding pretty cheap but I always like a good deal!

And lastly, a picture of my living room with a few of the guests.
Be sure to stop by Kathleen's blog and visit all the participants for White Wednesday!