Thursday, October 25, 2012

Baby Pictures

"Baby" has found a new favorite place.

The higher the better.

I want to warn you there are quite a few "Baby" pics, so if you don't like kitty pictures....turn back now!


Shabby chic Sandy said...

So cute--looks just like my baby Phoebe. I am really worried what she might do to my Christmas tree this year :(!

Shabby chic Sandy said...
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Unknown said...

What a poser! She is adorable! I love her perch!

Have a great day!


Faded Charm said...

Such a cute kitty. We had an orange cat that looked just like here when we first moved to our property.

Also loving your cabinet and it's suitcase display:)

Stay dry this weekend,


WhiteWhispers2u said...

Oh my how did she get up there!or how does she get down~Kim

WhiteWhispers2u said...

I so Love all your vintage suitcases~Cheers Kim

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Debbie, She is adorable. The stacked suitcases and the large basket are fabulous. I am a new follower.