I just want to give a "BIG THANK YOU" to everyone out there that took the time to post a comment and say a prayer for my mother this past Friday! We don't know the results but I do know that prayer is a powerful thing and no matter what the results are, God is so good and only has the best in mind for us!
I wanted to share with you a big answer to prayer, it's been going on for a couple of weeks now. Many of you know that my husband was laid off his job at the beginning of the summer. Well, guess what!!!! He got a job!!! It is with Providence Health Systems. It was just what we wanted. The timing is just perfect. His severance pay from his old job ended yesterday and he starts working this Tuesday. How perfect is that! He's getting paid more there than what he ended after 23 years at his other job. We will not have to put out $400.00 a month for insurance as it is an included benefit. He had so many different tests he had to take to get this job. I wanted to wait until they were done to tell you. God just gave us over and above what we had!

The search for treasure was tough this weekend (due to the holiday, I think), but that's ok. My #1 told me we needed to reclaim our house, as things are spilling out all over the place, what a silly guy! But he is right!
I did find some old letters as well as old report cards. My friend Laurie showed some old report cards she is displaying at her house so when I spotted these I was thrilled. They were dated from 1932 through 1938.

I did find these sweet little ornaments. I love the size and shape.

My #1 was a good sport and stuffed this table into the back seat of my car. I have to say 3 cheers for him considering the fact that we have so much furniture right now, what a guy!
One frustrating thing, I came home from junking only to find out I had left some vintage curtains at the sale. The gal I bought them from didn't put them in my bag! Boo Hoo! The same thing happened to me last week-end. I bought old postcards and didn't end up coming home with them. You'd think I would have learned! It just wasn't worth the gas to go back and get them.
I have to tell you the reason we have so much "junk" is because we will be participating in the Christmas show at Monticello. Unfortunately, with Christmas you have to buy when you see it and you don't sell it till Christmas!

Yesterday we had a good time at my sister-in-laws. We celebrated my niece and nephew's birthday. The weather was perfect and the food was even better.