Where does the time go?
It seems like only yesterday I was running after a two year old! Now my son will be turning 16 on Friday and life has gotten even busier. Overall he's been a great kid. We have definitely had our good times and our bad. Jonathan is very social and likes to be involved in all kinds of activities. We get a lot of sweet comments from people about how much they appreciate things that he has done for them If you're a mother of a teenager you know it's always good to hear kind words of encouragement.
I love you Jonathan and pray that you will be a man after God's own heart! I hope your birthday is a special one for you!
Happy 16th Birthday to Jonathan!! That surely is a cute photo you shared at the top, and of course a sweet slideshow of the birthday boy!
Happy Birthday To my most favorite nephew in the whole wide world!!!I love you....Love aunt Kathy
They just grow-up too fast. What darling young man. What a blessing kids are.
I don't know where time goes! I soo wish I could slooow it down~BUT I love teenage boys too~I really miss mine and all of the teasing they dished out:) Soo enjoy this season too-it will be over in a blink.
I wish I could thrift over there more-you guys find the coolest stuff! Hopefully we get over that way (and to Monticello) soon!
Have a great weekend!
I love the sweet "album". It's neat to see the changes through the years. My "baby" just turned 11 and I can't believe all the changes. It really does go fast, doesn't it?
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