My yellow hallway with little dragonflies stamped on it had to go!
What was I thinking?
It's not like I couldn't bare to part with this ugly paint color.
It was just a matter of getting off my keester and doing something about it.
I love white paint!
It just makes everything look clean!
I had bought an old chalkboard for my son when he was a little guy but he wasn't using it anymore.
It was perfect!
It may seem kind of strange to get excited about something small like a hallway but it's something I've wanted to do for quite awhile and something I see every day.
This mirror was a gift from my #1 quite a few Christmases ago.
Like a lot of husbands he stressed about what to get me.
Fortunately, our sweet friend Vicki was working at Monticello that day and she gave him a helping hand.
She even wrapped it for him.
You know what she wrapped it in?
A beautiful piece of barkcloth!
This pretty old crinoline hangs on the door to my studio.
Thank you Kathleen of Faded Charm for hosting White Wednesday!
I could easily get excited about a hallway or even the blackboard:) It is the little things that create the big picture anyway, right? I love how it came out. Now I have to get off of my keester and get going on painting my 1/2 bath;)
Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens
Your hall looks lovely Debbie! It is amazing the difference a bit of paint can make and how we can fall in love with an area in our house because of it! Your mirror is gorgeous. xx
I have a vvery similar chalkboard hanging in my hallway. I love the little dress hanging from it.
Thanks for joining Debbie. Aren't you loving this warmer weather?
Hi Debbie,
It's the small projects that are the best because they actually get finished:)...love that baby dress! And the baseball display a few posts down...I've been collecting some for my family room...memories of all of that babe ruth baseball games.
Happy WW!
We all have one little spot that needs tending to. Kudos to you for getting yours done.
Now about my laundry room...hmmmm
Wow, you should have done a before and after picture..your white looks so fresh and beautiful.
And I wanted to tell you too, your dining in the dark blog is a fantastic idea! I love hearing about good places to eat at..life's an adventure :-) Lisa
Love all the whites-great job!
I love your little white dress! And I like the chalk board. But I think that was in the 'before'. not sure. Kids would love a large chalk board to write on!!
I know how certain projects around the house can drive you nuts until you complete them. I also have a yellow hallway by the back door that has really bothered me. The only thing stopping me from painting is that I would have to balance a ladder on stairs in one part of it!
Your hallway looks lovely, with the chalkboard and little white dress!
Happy WW!
I'm enjoying your dreamy pictures! Jacqueline
Beautiful! I have a collection of black boards so of course I think yours it fantastic. Love the contrast of the lovely details of the white dress against the stark black board and the frilly petty coat against the plain white walls.
I'm sure Snookie is just as impressed as she was with your ironing board!
I love the hallway. Paint can make such a huge difference! The blackboard and dress are just darling! What a great idea!!
I love your hallway. Not everyone puts cute things on the walls because it is only a walk through but I like the chalk board and little dress. Love the new color. WHITE.
Hi my friend!!!
I am having the same issue with my bedroom. Americana border!!!! I hate removing border!!!
Stay cool
I love blackboard and I love these little sweet dresses! Never thought of just simply hanging the dress on the blackboard! Great!
Your hallway looks wonderful painted white, and your right...that chalkboard looks PERFECT there! LOVE it!
Happy WW!
~ Jo :)
The way that each item echos the ruffle in the previous just really gets to me. It's that small continuity that always grabs my attention and leads me to look for what comes next. Ya know what I mean? Love it....
Love your hallway...unique combination of the sweet white dress on the chalkboard!! Great idea!
Debbie I've just discovered your blog page all I can say is that it's inspiring & beautiful.
Your hallway looks beautiful Deb! Nicely done. It looks so clean and fresh and chic! See you in a week :)
oh Deb,for some reason your Dining in the dark blog below wont let me comment on it..... I dont know if its me or you.... I'm just saying....
Hi Debbie! Thanks so much for your sweet get well wish. I am feeling better tonight. I love the hallway and the mirror is to die for. You did an awesome job.
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