I ended up buying from only one sale today but I had a lot of fun.
Yesterday, my #1 bought me a GPS so now I won't have to use his.
I have my very own!
For those of you that own one, don't you just love them?
It makes me feel like I can find anything.
My purse is getting heavier as by the time I have my cell phone, my camera (which is a must) and now a GPS, that inexpensive purse became quite heavy and expensive.
Here are a few of the things I purchased the past couple of days.
Do you know what these are?
Old perm rods!
I've never seen them made out of wood.
They were just to interesting to pass up.
The cute poodle hair pin in the first picture was also found with the perm rods.
A few other little things I bought.
I was able to pick up a few old metal locker type cabinets too.
Fortunately, there was a place to put them in my space at Monticello so I didn't have to store them at home.
Hope you are having a wonderful evening!
Ok! That settle it ... just when I am trying NOT to go to AS MANY sales .... you show me just why I MUST! Thanks for sharing your fun finds! Also need to get my tush up to Monticello. Haven't been there in a bit, and that day Martha and I were unloading her spring space and I was sweeping up Joy's corner. There's something soothing about sweeping .... but not as much fun as shopping for treasures!
Betty :)
Wonderful finds!!! I especially love the poodle hair comb and the wooden perm rods...didn't know they existed. Need to find time to show off what I found this weekend. There were just too many to go to! (Not a bad thing~I know!)
Somebody stop me!! Thanks for stopping by my blog...Maureen
I love the old perm rod's. looks like your area is great for garage sales.I am coming out to Portland for the Expo show July 11th. will you be there?
Janice In Missouri
Oh my goodness, I love your taste in junk!!!! If we went thrifting together we would probably be fighting over everything! I LOVE the poodle hair comb, it is awesome! Those perm rods are so neat too, I've never seen anything like them.
I hope you have a fabo 4th of July!
Hugs, Sharon
I love your decorations! You are lucky to have found those swags on sale! I bought one last year because they were full price and spendy! Now I wish that I had gotten more because I couldn't find them this year! Your home looks so cute as usual! I hope that you have a wonderful 4th with your family!
Hugs, Sharon
Monticello! I live in eastern washington state. Now I want to get to portland. About the poodle lifter-I went to beauty school well back in 1965-67..became a hairdresser. I used one of those for all the updos...Am I telling my age..just wonder if I have one around in my keepsakes..But the perm rods..Ive never seen them..love your blog.Will continue on to check it out..Sally
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