This nasty cold!
Since my son is home schooled, I went into his room this morning and told him that I was staying home from work today, and not to be too disappointed!
He was sweet enough to inform me that he wasn't disappointed.
What? He likes me to stay home?
Is this the same son that thinks I'm the meanest mom ever?
I had a friend say to me, "How can you be the meanest mom in the world, I am!"
Sixteen, what a life changing age. And I'm not talking about him but for his mother!
To all the mother's of teen-agers, I salute you!
Lamentations 3:21
Hi Debbie! Please get better soon!! Praying for you...
Teenagers often times can be difficult. Been there..done that.
Just enjoy each moment and know that it is only a phase in their life. It will change - I promise.
I hope you get better soon. I, too, have a teenager, and remind him often that if he didn't "not like me" once in a while, then I am not doing my job. Being a mom of a teenager is very very special, we are so lucky. Remember that when he doesn't like you, you are showing him that you love him. Keeping him safe, healthy, and alive! All the best to you- take care of yourself...
Yep, teen years can be difficult. I have adult sons to teens to young ones. lol Before you know it, it'll all be a nice memory. :)
Happy Tuesday:)
Hope you get better soon dear! What a bummer being sick. I'm sure you have lots you would rather be doing, but take this time to relax and get well. Aren't teens fun! I have two of them and time seems to be going at warp speed. When they drive me crazy, I remind myself that I will only have them under my roof for a few more short years so I try to make each moment with them count.
Sorry you are under the weather :( That is certainly no fun at all. Hope your son took good care of you even if you are the "meanest mom ever" lol! I have a sneaking suspicion you are nothing of the sort! Sending up prayers that you will get well soon!
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